Tasha (my AD) brought me, Naen (pronounced as 9, what a name right?) and Joshua to this restaurant at Jalan Gasing. The place is called Raju's or Kedai Bawah Pokok. They got the nickname Kedai Bawah Pokok because the store is located right under the tree, sooo cooling.
We ordered all the gorengs, goreng ayam, goreng ikan and goreng sotong. The best was the goreng sotong! The ayam and ikan was not flavourful enough becuase it was not marinated long enough, but the ingredients are really fresh. I requested for more rice because I was starving! Naen, Tasha and Joshua couldn't believe the amount of rice a skinny girl like me could consume. Muahaha! They haven't seen anything yet!
My mountain of rice.

All the goreng-gorengs. So delicious, so fattening. So don't care and just dig in!
The most impressive thing about Raju's is not the location, food, drinks, etc. It's a signage that's placed at the counter.
It says, 'We have no quarrels with competitors who charge less. "After all they know what their food is worth"'
Now that is one fierce competitor! Kudos to Raju's!